Father Daughter relationships

"Most women subconsciously gravitate towards men who accord her the same level – or lack – of value and empathy our fathers did. So if your father neglected to let you know how special and valuable you are, you may attract similar relationships with men in your adult life, unaware that you deserve better."  Psychologist Dr Linda Nielsen

I was moved to write this:


"The tears mean something", he said.

"Oh, they are nothing.  I had a good childhood."

"Your eyes filled up when you spoke of your father. That means something."

"Oh it's just grief that he died."

"Do you miss him?"

"Hmmmmm?  What?"

"Do you miss him?"

"What do you mean?" I said, not able to focus my thoughts.

"Do you miss him?"

"Hmmmmm...can't say.  He was honest and hard working and I was proud to have him for a father."

"Do you miss him?"

"He was a good man."

"Do you miss him?" He was relentless.

"In what way?"

"Do you miss him?"


"I so wanted him to like me, to notice me, to see and hear me."


I post this on this forum to ask women here.  What was your relationship with your father?  Have some of us been conditioned to not expect much connection? Is there a way to become more functional directing a family toward loving wholeness? Expecting and directing others how to love us and show it? Permitting ourselves to feel worthy of attention, respect and love? I have not demanded attention....even thought that was "selfish" to want attention.  I didn't get attention. Not now. Not then.  This is my part of our inability to communicate and connect.