Resources - Marriage Improvement - General

Creating New Habits

It takes 66 days to internalize new habits - this article provides an overview of research about habit change.

I offer a course for ADHD partners on how to create and change habits, taught by Cam Gott.  Information is here.


ADD and Your Money:  A Guide to Personal Finance for Adults with ADD by Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, PhD and Karl Klein, JD

Research shows that money management is a problem for many adults with ADHD.  This book uses specific financial activities to guide you through the process of getting better control over your finances.

Separate Accounts - It May Save Your Marriage by Stephanie Sarkis, PhD, Huffington Post 3/1/12


This article from the New York Times gives a good overview of why we procrastinate and some ideas about what we can do about it.