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  • Flagging the drinking problem by: Off the roller ... 2 weeks 5 days ago

    Anyone here have experience for their ADHD partner having a drinking problem on top of everything else?  And it's not that they might drink a lot, per say, its what happens when they DO drink - no matter how sporadically. And they blame you for their 'not going out with their friends' because to them, they think YOU are the problem and that you don't want them to have any fun. But in realtiy, you've realised (in fact, it's a rather light bulb moment for me here today) that their stress, anxiety, diagnosis and depression has them so wound tightly that their only release (in their opinion of course, god forbid if they exercise, try to get better sleep, or eat decent food of course bc that's clearly NOT the problem) is to have a few drinks once in a while with friends, family or on their own, but they don't do it anymore because you just yell at them or have a problem with it the next day. 

    And on the other side of it, the person your partner becomes when they drink is horrible and vile. They said terrible things to you and treat you in ways that you were sure you would never be treated - but they don't want to hear how they've hurt you so badly for these times. They just want to do what they want to do and have their fun. 

    I have realised that I don't have clear boundaries for myself, let alone communicated them in any way but it feels like an ultimatium is on the cards because I've put up with too much. 

    But I'm wondering if others have gone through similar. Those who have ADHD and maybe realised their drinking was part of the did you realise this? Was it yourself? A partner putting the foot down? And for those of us nons....this is really new territory for me. I don't have the same relationship with alcohol, didn't grow up with alcohol and it's only becoming clear to me now that this can not continue. 

  • ADHD Radar by: Haveaniceday 3 weeks 23 hours ago

    Has anyone else noticed that their ADHD person reacts strangely to other ADHD'ers?

    I've noticed a pattern where my H and child are both very hostile amd contemptuous of certain people they meet, and a ittle further down the line, these people are usually the ones with some neurodiversity too.

    I wonder if those people somehow threaten them? Or if they're worried their cover will be blown, or if its dysregulated emotion because they feel destabilised around others like them? Thoughts?

  • Am I too late... by: Grapejuice 3 weeks 5 days ago

    I'll try to keep this short. I've been in a long distance relationship with someone for two years (we used to work together years ago before he moved away). He has ADHD. Things were great, and as I realise now from reading this forum, I was the centre of his hyper fixation for the first few months. He then gradually toned it down and although we were still super close and he was always incredibly caring etc, he would take a week or so to initiate contact after the first year, he would get very stressed about all the millions of things he had to do just as part of daily living. But when he did initiate, he was always extremely loving.

    6 months ago, I began asking him for reassurance on our relationship, and I initiated contact a lot more. This was due to my own mild OCD issues. This stressed him out and he told me so, that he felt like he was being crowded when he already had a lot on his plate. I tried to back down, I left it days without contact to show him that I validated how he felt and to give him space.

    But when we did talk, I felt he had started to emotionally detach. He would tell me that things are fine in his head, but i could see that this was where our relationship started to take a tumble. The more he detached, the more I grasped at straws, trying to remind him of what we had, of things he promised or said, etc and it culminated in a big argument last week where he said I was giving him too much stress, he couldn't cope with being reminded of things he had said, or demands for his attention, I was getting on his nerves with my questions seeking reassurance, etc. I apologised to him and tried to explain my feelings of the situation while saying that I appreciated his honesty that I didn't mean to cause so much stress. He didn't reply (kind of expected), and it's been just over a week now.

    I've decided to pull back and give him his much needed space. I have been doing a lot of reading about adhd in the mean time and have now opened my eyes to some of the struggles he must be going through and how my communication approach has likely added to these and stressed him out. I deeply regret not looking into this sooner and trying to understand him and his needs.

    I have decided to go "no contact" for a month to work on myself, how I can better communicate and validate others feelings. However, I'm also slightly worried that during this period, with his lack of time awareness and distractions, he will forget about me. He has always been there emotionally when I need him the most, apart from currently avoiding my need for reassurance when I feel he distances himself. I want him to know that I am taking his feelings seriously and want to try to make things work between us. I'm just worried that if I initiate contact soon, and explain this to him, he will see this as an attempt to get into another long emotionally charged deep conversation which he finds difficult, and will back off again. Do I wait for him to contact me... and then act like normal? Try to carry on and rebuild our relationship? If I say nothing, will he forget me? Am I too late in validating his feelings? So many questions, I'm just really struggling right now, he is so worth fighting for.

  • "I sat with my anger long enough by: CANTGOBACK 4 weeks 1 day ago

    ...until she told me her real name was grief."

    - C.S. Lewis

  • The Royal "We" by: Haveaniceday 4 weeks 1 day ago
  • Help!! by: Andy F 1 month 15 hours ago

    Hi, I am undiagnosed ADHD, my son is diagnosed and we are the same person. My wife and I have had issues in our marriage for years and have broken up and re-engaged twice, it looks like we are now going to split for a 3rd time and I am devastated, more so because she gave me this book and reading it has made me realise all the things I am guilty of, that I was unaware of, that has both had a massive effect on my wife's mental health and on our marriage. What I can't forgive myself for is the damage I have done to her mentally, even though I was unaware. My question to you all is... Should I let her go so she can go, meet someone else and hopefully enjoy the rest of her life, or do I get a diagnosis, start medication and fight for her? I'm not sure I have much of a chance as she has already said that I have once again ruined our marriage with my behaviour, but if there is a chance do I fight for her or let her go...

  • Is it ADHD or something else as well? by: honestly 1 month 1 day ago

    From my own experience, and from reading others' posts here, I am wondering if what we are dealing with in ADHD partners is always necessarily a symptom of their ADHD. My husband has a diagnosis, but I keep thinking that some of the difficult things that come up map onto narcissism as well as ADHD. Grandiose sense of his own self-importance (he's an artist and so he's above the little day to day stuff - someone else can take care of it) extreme defensiveness around even the slightest hint of an inkling that he might be flawed (RSD or does he actually believe that he alone in all of humanity is perfect?). He has other symptoms or traits that don't match onto ADHD like a desire to surround himself with 'important' or 'special' people. There can of course be co-morbidities with any condition. But I'm wondering if anyone else has thought this - 'is it just ADHD or is he also a narcissist?'

  • Working things out vs. Wanting to live differently? by: nonadhdwife889 1 month 1 day ago

    I'm new and have a question here for anyone who's thought about this. I'd be really grateful to know what conclusion you came to and what your thought process was.

    I'm a non adhd spouse and we have three young children. My husband was recently diagnosed and has tried medication, which helped but didn't magically resolve everything, but has recently been stopped due to medication shortages. He's just started seeing a therapist who specialises in adhd. I will say it took him six years to get a diagnosis after I initially told him I think he has adhd. He is not as extreme as some I have read on this forum. He is a wonderful father in the moment and can hold down a decent job, but basically can't contribute much beyond that to parenting or the household - or to supporting me and my own needs (though at least he sees he's not and wants to). He also has typical adhd emotional dysregulation stuff - not aggressive but hyper sensitive and can have big emotional reactions to small things, a sense of urgency they dont really require. I also have a demanding career which is important to me. He accepts his adhd (in theory) and is deeply sorry for what it puts on me and doesn't want things to be that way. But he almost never recognises the symptoms in the moment and will get very angry and upset if I point anything out. It's almost like being married to two different people. I feel I'm often left trying to help him manage his emotions in a way I don't want to do (I'm very aware of a parent-child dynamic, but like others on this forum this can be hard to step away from when you have children because of the consequences). I do this partly because I want to help him but tbh a big reason is to minimise the impact of his negative emotional reactions on everything else (because often I'm spinning many plates already when he'll unexpectedly get upset about something).

    I have my own things to deal with from childhood that I am seeing a therapist for. They recently advised that I am so overwhelmed and burnt out that they think I am not in place to open things up and deal with them. That was a wake up call for me - that going on as I have may cost me fundamental things I need as a person. And really sad. 

    Close friends I have confided in have said they see me looking burnt out, that I don't have the spark I used to and that they are worried about me. Having young kids is obviously a factor, but I think a husband with adhd is the bigger one tbh. 

    Point is: Ive read up loads on adhd. I understand where a lot of my husbands more challenging behaviours come from, I'm not angry with him. Ive read Melissa's book. So has my husband. There's some good stuff in there, we've tried a lot of it. It never sticks. In all honesty, some of it doesn't resonate with me. A lot of it appears to still involve a great deal of compromise from the non adhd spouse. That might work for some people, but right now I'm left with the feeling that I just don't want to 
    live like that. That it's not acceptable for me. That it involves too much compromise at my expense. I don't know how to know if that's right. I don't want to end my marriage but as time goes on I feel less and less attached to that, more feeling a need to focus on my own well being. I've been honest with my husband about all of this. He desperately loves me and wants to save our marriage, but tbh he's been saying that for years and nothing ever gets better enough for me to stop having these thoughts. But it's not clear cut because he is a good person and he is trying, but I'm just not sure if it will ever be enough. 

    Has anyone else had thoughts like this?




  • Is it time to go? by: Tired girl 1 month 2 days ago

    We've been married for 30+ yrs. Husband was diagnosed when he was 50, but we struggled long before that. He takes meds, goes to therapy and says he spends "so much time" working on his ADHD. We've gone to couples therapy and taken Melissa's class twice. I've gone to therapy multiple times as well. Despite all this, to me it feels like his ADHD is untreated. I've tried to help him with docs and treatment but he needs to help himself.  He suffers from severe RSD, which I think is the root of so much of what we struggle with. He takes guanficine, but it doesn't seem to help. The ever so smallest thing sets him off into an irritability spiral and he's snarky and mean. I manage all things that require any attention to detail, I coordinate 99% of the details of our lives....... it seems like he only hears 25% of what we talk about. I never know if he's paid attention to stuff so I can't count on him for many things. When I ask a question about something we've talked about multiple times and he doesn't remember talking about it he gets all irritable and lashes out at me. Sometimes he says he's sorry for lashing out, but there's usually an excuse ..... "oh I didn't sleep, my phone isn't working". I'm exhausted, angry, sad, lonely and frustrated. I've told him multiple times that I'm at the end of my rope and something has to change. He makes some changes for a week or so then we're back to the same place....... over and over and over. I'm not the happy, fun creative person I used to be. So often he sucks all the joy from me. After his little meltdowns he can snap out of it and make jokes, but I'm spent and can't "snap out of it". So I stay angry, frustrated and cold towards him because I'm just so tired of being treated like that. We retired a few years ago and I thought things might improve since we would both be less stressed, but that hasn't been the case. He gets so hyper focused on various things that he's oblivious to everything else. When I mention the hyper focus  he says "oh I guess I just can't do x - I'll just quit doing that". 
    For a long time I kept thinking he could find something..... therapy, new med, new tool........that  would help us, but I now realize that's not going to happen and at almost 70 he's not going to change. I'm struggling with making the break, financially it will be hard. I often think "who will take care of me when I'm 80" or "I don't want to be alone" ...... but then I realize how alone I feel now and wonder if I'd be better off calling it quits?????  I read all the stories here and I'm not optimistic that we can make it work

  • Is it time to go? by: Tired girl 1 month 2 days ago
