Divorce brings surreal experiences

Hello again, divorce from my severe ADD husband is slowly progressing.

Things are surreal. My husband who for 22 years has relied on me for all planning, prioritizing and all ideas, and the brunt of practical parenting, who hasn't been able to reliably work even part time in five years, now has great confidence in making an equal parent for our children post divorce.

He is convinced he will be able to work as much as it takes to put up a reasonably large home. He wants the children to live with him periodically or as much as possible. He thinks he will be able to plan and cook meals for them (which ADD has prevented up until today). He believes he will be consistent for them once he moves away from me.

Hearing this is certainly an experience for me. Basically he says I've been so negative for his health, that all psychiatric illness he's suffered will be gone with our relationship.

I have no words för describing how it feels. Imagine that I've overworked myself onto the brink of self-destruction for this. To compensate for him resting in bed all these years.

To anyone who hesitates to leave a dysfunctional partner for fear they won't manage on their own I'd say: go ahead and do it.