if I never hear these phrases again...

So living with my ADHD husband there are so many phrases that I hear that make me want to run screaming into the street.  Some of the phrases I could live without ever hearing again include:  I just didn't think about it.  I didn't do it on purpose.  I've got it covered (when the opposite is true).  No, did you ask me to?  No, did you tell me to?  I can't remember saying/doing that.  I can't remember you saying/doing that.  I didn't finish...whatever.  I'll do it tomorrow/later (when we know it's NEVER).  And my most favorite: I forgot.  Man am I tired of hearing all of those phrases.  Here's an analogy:  when I was in college I minored in poly sci and I took a number of classes in Russian politics and the prof talked about how the KGD functioned before the cold war--a Russian citizen could get arrested for doing something on a Tuesday that was not illegal on a Monday.  He said trying to figure out the laws at that time was like trying to grab smoke.  THAT is how I think about my husband and trying to communicate with him.  If I ask a question I may get a straightforward answer OR it may take a number of follow up questions and I STILL may be no closer to an answer than before I ever began asking. I just don't get it.  Ditto with the amount of things he "just didn't think about".  How does that work in your job?  What happens when you drop the ball at work because you "just didn't think about it".    But of course how can I get angry when it's not his fault??  He is not a malicious person, doesn't have a mean bone in his body, never does anything on purpose, so I come off as the bitch who is upset that whatever didn't get done despite the fact that he "didn't do it on purpose".  How do others deal with this???  It's like being mad at smoke--if NOTHING is ever his fault how can I possibly be mad???  Any phrases that you could happily never hear again?