Leaving him

So I am leaving him finally, my ADHD husband. I don't know how. Right now I am staying at a friend's house. I have no idea what I'm going to do next or how I will move forward but I am certain that I must leave. 

The reality is that this will never change and that he has been slowly sucking the life out of me for years. This ADHD thing, along with other deep traumas he has, and maybe some narc issues as well, it is all far too much for any woman to handle. There is no woman who would have stayed with him as long as I have, which is 13 years. I know his ex wife and she went through everything I'm going through. She left him after 11 years. 

He has been to therapy and as long as he keeps going, there is some improvement. But his therapist is not available and he hasn't been in months, and everything is getting worse. 

The thing is that he just seems so crazy to me. So emotionally disregulated and incapable of self control. So willing to put me through hell. 

The last thing was about puppies. We have these puppies someone dropped at our door. Three of them. And we have them in the mud room and they are shitting everywhere. So we got puppy poop papers to put on the floor. So he brings the puppies inside after they had been out all day in the garden, and he does not put the papers on the floor. I had been working hard in the garden and I was exhausted (he never helps me in the garden), and I come in, and he is watching TV. I ask where the puppies are, he says in the mud room. I ask if he put the papers down. He says no. I, frustrated, say, you have to put the papers down! I say, if you don't put them down, fine, if you want to clean up the poop.

Well. That was it. He is triggered. He is reactive. And we're off to the races. He yells at me that they are my responsibility, which is ridiculous. I say they are OUR responsibility, I didn't personally receive these dogs. He storms out. 

I decide to walk the big dogs, give him some space to calm down. When I come back after half an hour, it's hard to tell if he's over it. But it seems he is not. So I sit down on the porch with him and ask, are you still pissed off? And he says, sarcastically, no, why would I be?

So now I see he is not going to have a mature conversation with me, he is going to escalate it and drag me through some more emotional hell. So I ask him to please not do that. I tell him I am too tired to deal with it. I invoke some of the therapy that he's learned in order to have better communication. And he angrily says, I don't need a lecture from you! And he gets up and storms off.

All of this over puppy papers.

And soon it will be something else, and something else, and something else, and something else.

This came just a few days after the last fight where he emotionally attacked me in a really controlling way. He later apologized, because he always eventually realizes he was wrong. But not until he puts me through hell.

The horrible problem is that my life is 100% enmeshed with him because we also work together. We have a beautiful home that we have built together. I have absolutely nothing outside of this situation. I have no cash savings, I have no other job. And after all these years I am so exhausted from him that I feel like a flattened piece of clay. I have lost myself totally in this relationship and I don't have any motivation or desire for anything except rest.

I wish there was someplace people like me could go to just rest for a few months, to get clarity.

I think it is impossible to know how to get out, how to get to the next step, without some time for rest. 

It's possible that the only way for me to do this is to basically jump off a cliff. Just buy a plane ticket and go far away, destroy my entire life and start new. Because otherwise, every single time, I get immediately sucked back into the same patterns with him. I mean, I could stay here and try to slowly carve out some other paths and opportunities for myself, but I am afraid if I do that he will suck me back in and I will fall into the complacency that so easily sets in because everything else is horrendously exhausting and scary.

Why do we always have to wait for things to become entirely unbearable before we decide to leave? It's amazing how much we can put up with.

The thing is that he loves me a lot in his way, but he is just a mess. And he's not young. It isn't going to change. And I am getting older as well. If there is any hope for me to have peace in my life, and maybe even find a healthy relationship, I need to go. 

I feel like I am caught in tar. 

I would like to hear from people who got out of their relationship and how they did it.