Non partner support group + book - anyone feel they helped?

Anyone here who can share their experience of being the non-ADHD and if reading the book and doing the non-ADHD partner support group helped them in the long run? And I'm not talking about if it saved your marriage or relationship....I'm talking about for YOU specifically. Did it help you get to a better place for yourself and perhaps a knock on effect was your kids? And creating a better environment for them too? 

Essentially, I have the book (haven't been able to read it yet because my therapist was like 'tread carefully') and I'm considering the partner support group - I can tell that I really need the tailored, non- support communities as I refuse to do the work on the marriage bc he's not doing it. |But it's affecting my son and ultimately, I have to still work on myself. Even if I left tomorrow, I'd still feel this anger and hurt and upset because of everything. 

We just got back from a lovely trip away that was slightly marred by our triggers and responses and it's clear to me that I have more work to do on my own. 

It's been a few of those days where my judgment is so clouded by hurt, frustration and confusion and want to choose a path to work on it, but would like to know more information about those paths (i.e if I'm gonna spend the money on that support group, I'd like to make sure that I get something out of it for ME and me alone)