When you're not the breadwinner...

My husband is self-employed.  He runs a fairly successful business and we usually do pretty well.  He had a charge back on a popular vendor website a long time ago, it recently caught up with him and they shut his shop down.  The amount was quite high and he has not been able to pay it back yet so he can reopen his shop.  We process all orders through our own website and processors now, but the vendor site was his main advertising.  He hasn't had a sale since early November and we're starting to feel the squeeze.  That's not to say he hasn't had any interest.  There are still plenty of inquiries, but no actual sales.  Hubby wants me to open a new vendor shop for his product under MY info, and I don't want to.  I don't know if it actually makes any difference since we're married, but i feel like if anything goes sideways, it's on ME.  But I also feel guilty about it.  When we were first married, he wanted to keep our credit separate, but bullied me into putting so many things on my credit and in my name bc he technically made enough to afford it, even tho his credit was maxed out.  I didn't want to, I didn't like it, but he was the sole breadwinner, and he wouldn't let it go when he had something in his mind that he wanted and he was a nightmare to live with until I gave in... many of you know exactly what I'm talking about.  My credit got destroyed right along with his during the recession.  While he has changed the way he spends money now and makes much better financial decisions, I no longer want to have my name on anything of his that I don't have to.  I don't even like him putting me on his credit cards and he keeps doing it (so I have to figure out how to get OFF of them).  BUT we need that paycheck...  I don't know what to do.