Train all of your clinicians at once, either on-site or by phone.
For Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Marriage Therapists, Social Workers,
Couples Counselors and Coaches
ADHD has a huge, often overlooked impact on how couples interact. Research suggests that close to 60% of marriages in which one or both partners has ADHD becomes clinically dysfunctional. Yet between 80-90% of adults with ADHD are currently undiagnosed. This means there are literally millions of couples in dysfunctional relationships who don't even know they need to be asking about ADHD. Clinicians are woefully under-trained in the area, as well. The result is that most couples who would benefit from counseling that recognizes and addresses ADHD and related issues spend years of continued, needless suffering, instead.
In all likelihood, ADHD impacts at least some of the couples your practice is currently counseling. This custom-tailored workshop, taught by Melissa Orlov, is a personalized, one-day version of the highly acclaimed ADHD Effect on Couples Continuing Education Seminar. This is a cost-effective way to train groups of therapists in larger practices, or a consortium of therapists in a specific region in this new, important couples counseling information.
Training Objective
Introduce professionals to the critical concepts of how adult ADHD impacts relationships and how to integrate effective interventions for the issue into their practice.
Suggested Topics:
- Identifying possible ADHD in client couples and when an evaluation is warranted
- An overview of the ADHD Effect - the most important behavioral patterns
- Three Stages of Marital Recovery Map, and implications for interventions
- The changing role of therapists at each stage of the recovery map
- How to talk with clients about medications and treatment
- Helping couples deal with anger, frustration, fear, denial, hopelessness and shame
- Specific intervention tools for therapist and client use
- Case studies
Ms. Orlov will personalize this practical training to your specific area of specialty and needs.
All participating clinics will be listed in the referrals area of this website.
Suggested Format
7 hours of instructional time in either one full-day or two half-days, conducted in person or by phone.
The Instructor
Melissa Orlov is considered to be one of the top experts in the topic of ADHD and marriage. She teaches The ADHD Effect on Couples CE Seminar with Dr. Ned Hallowell, Dr. Kevin Murphy and Sue Hallowell. In addition, she is the author of The ADHD Effect on Marriage, which won Best Psychology Book of 2010 from ForeWord Reviews. She works as a marriage consultant, blogs for Psychology Today and, in addition to her professional training seminars, provides phone seminars for couples struggling with the impact of ADHD. Her seminars are consistently rated "excellent" by participants. (More in this biography.)
For More Information
Pricing is based upon the expected number of participants and whether or not training is conducted on-site or by phone. Please contact Christina Veal for more information at
Participant Experience
"Thank you for the wonderful training on Friday. Everyone was so inspired by your work and your tools and I really appreciate the energy and effort you put into the day. The timing of the day was great, every slide was relevant: we were really thrilled with it."
- Laura MacNiven, Director of Health Education
Springboard Clinic, Toronto