I am tired of my spouse's accusations and his dreadful remarks.I am COMPLETELY INNOCENT when it comes to infidelity,he does not trust me when we were together.To date we are not presently together, and he came by my house this afternoon thinking I would run in to his arms and forgive him.How can I forgive him when he never even was apologetic for his cruelty and hard disgusting remarks and reap roaches.It's like he is too proud to even be nice.He killed my true feelings for him, and every one around me knows how much I loved him like there was no tomorrow.He came by me today with nothing to say but wants me back.He was not even making a proper effort.There was no hurt in his voice,eyes,no emotions,NOTHING! then what the hell you are doing by me?To proud and don't want to be in the wrong even though he is so wrong for putting a dreadful hurting in our relationship.ADHD, he does not want to accept the fact that he has a disorder,I have it too and I admit it to him all the time.How is it he is not sympathetic to my feelings, and just say sorry! I still would not take him back because he interfered with me,emotionally,physically,mentally,and tear my heart to bits and threads.But" SORRY" would be a start with a lot of more sorry's and may be roses and may be some chocolates,if he really wanted me back bad, but time would tell,and I think he would be wasting his time cause I am not going back...I won't spin him round though I would let him know for sure how I feel..........from:lovehurtsalotwithanger........