Feeling hopeless? Frustrated? Angry? Overwhelmed?
Resentful? Put upon? Maybe even thinking about calling it quits?
If so, you would not be alone…You’ve also probably been trying really hard to make things better. But trying hard may only add to your frustration unless you and your partner both have the same information, understanding and drive to fix things. My phone seminar for couples impacted by ADHD gets you working together to solve your marital issues. More importantly, it shows you how to address those issues - in ways that are tailored specifically to couples impacted by ADHD. There is no other resource like it, and the next session starts October 13th. Register here.
The seminar has been honed over the years to help you both become better, more loving, partners. Past participants will tell you:
“My, how our lives have changed! I credit you and this course with helping us to focus on what needed to be done and then helping us to get started…it has paid off handsomely…”
“Your class had life-changing effects on our marriage. Thank you!”
“For the first time we didn’t feel that either one of us was to blame. That allowed us to finally let go of some anger and start working on getting better…”
“We have made more progress in this seminar than we have in 2 years of couples therapy…”
This seminar lets you use my expertise to help you, in your ADHD-impacted relationship. NOW. It’s about finding out that you are responding in very natural ways to a tough situation...and what to do about it. In the eight weeks of the seminar we’ll cover:
- optimizing ADHD treatment
- the roles each of you play in your problems
- chores and nagging
- trust
- blame
- lying
- sex and desire
- being heard
- improving communication
- becoming more affectionate and finding joy
...and a whole lot more. Throughout, I talk about managing ADHD…and I talk about managing responses to ADHD.
Perhaps best of all, you’ll get to ask me ANY AND ALL of questions you have about your relationship during the course.
The Couples Seminar is easy to take. You can call in to the course conference call from one or two locations, or from your computer. There are worksheets and reading to augment your experience, but they are optional if you don't want to do them. I record every session of the live course so if you miss one, or are in a time zone that aligns awkwardly with 8:30pm eastern time, you can still participate fully.
I hope you will take a look at this seminar page and consider registering. Like the many couples who have taken it before you, I think you’ll find this course amazingly insightful and helpful.
Please email me if you have any questions, at morlov@gmail.com
With hope for a better partnership,
Melissa Orlov
P.S. My refund policy is ‘100% refund through the second session.’ So – no excuses! I’ve cleared away as many barriers as I can so you can get the help you need!