Never Done

ADHD & Marriage Weekly Tip - February 12, 2016

Quote of the Week

“Every day mirrors the act of creation.  Each morning you have to get up and create all over again.  The building is never done.”
-Bill Clinton

Never Done

If you are feeling particularly negative right now, this idea might send you to hide in a closet somewhere!  But, being an optimist, I take each day as a real opportunity to create something I like.  And, as I get older (and my kids are out of the house so I have fewer responsibilities) more and more that thing I wish to create is simply a day that I enjoy.

I still plan ahead when I need to.  Continue my work.  Do the laundry.  But living in this very ‘present’ way offers me a chance – every single day – to create a sense of gratitude for what I have, add loving behaviors towards others, and take time to think about how to care for me and my life so that I, and people that I touch, can thrive.

15 years ago I would have wondered if this were self-centered.  Now I see, instead, a ripple effect.  My ‘in the present’ happiness rubs off on those around me, too

What would happen in your life if you woke up each day asking “what can I build today?”

For those in marriages impacted by ADHD

You can find great resources for couples impacted by ADHD at, including: a free online treatment overview; free downloadable chapters of my books; a community forum with other couples facing similar issues; a large number of blog posts on various topics; referrals; and my very popular couples courses:
ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - Next live session starts April 4, 2016 - this eight-session phone seminar has helped many couples turn around their relationship.
Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD wins 2 book awards!

Adult ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationship. can literally change your life!

© 2016 Melissa Orlov