Diminishing Aggressiveness

ADHD & Marriage Weekly Tip - December 3, 2015

Quote of the Week

“I left prison more informed than when I went in.  And the more informed you are, the less arrogant and aggressive you are.”
-Nelson Mandela, quoted in Oprah Magazine

Diminishing Aggressiveness

I don’t typically think of prison as a place where people become less aggressive.  So this quote really struck me!  Mandela is talking about opening yourself up to the power of becoming educated about something that matters.  His education changed an entire nation as he became less arrogant and less aggressive.

It wasn’t just book learning.  He spent a good deal of time thinking about how to be a better person.  He chose to open himself to new ideas and a new way of being, and then worked hard at it.

I’m convinced that many couples can use a similar strategy to deal with ADHD issues in their relationship.  Open yourself up to becoming more informed about ADHD and its impact, and challenge yourself to be a better person.

This is the sort of work I lay out in my seminar, The ADHD Effect In-Depth.  If you haven’t taken it yet, I suggest you at least consider it.  The next live course (given by phone) will start January 12, 2016.


December 16 - London - Melissa will be speaking on Adult ADHD, Relationships and Families. Free. More info at ADDISS.

For those in marriages impacted by ADHD

You can find great resources for couples impacted by ADHD at adhdmarriage.com, including: a free online treatment overview; free downloadable chapters of my books; a community forum with other couples facing similar issues; a large number of blog posts on various topics; referrals; and my very popular couples courses:
ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - Next live session will start January 12, 2016 - this eight-session phone seminar has helped many couples turn around their relationship.
Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD wins 2 book awards!

Adult ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationship. ADHDmarriage.com can literally change your life!

© 2015 Melissa Orlov