Drives a Woman Crazy!

ADHD & Marriage Weekly Marriage Tip - July 7, 2011

Heart to Heart

Tips for Thriving in your Marriage

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Nothing drives a woman more crazy than a man who is doing NOTHING!”

-Mark Gungor

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Drives a Woman Crazy!

Enough has been written about the differences between men and women that few question the idea that men and women are wired differently. Scientific research supports this idea, as well. Did you know that it takes men significantly longer than women to “recover” from the physiological effects of conflict?


Just for fun, though, here is Mark Gungor's look at what makes men and women’s brains so different…I think it will make you laugh! See the video Here


For those in marriages impacted by ADHD
If you or your spouse has ADHD, please join our forum at to ask your questions and learn from others who share your issues.  In addition, you'll find in-depth essays to help you learn how to thrive in a marriage affected by ADHD.
Hope to hear from you there!
Melissa Orlov

© 2011 Melissa Orlov