Lingering effects of marriage to a person with ADHD

I'm sharing this here not because I expect advice but because I know that many of you will understand my experience.  

I've been divorced for more than three years.  A significant reason for me to file for divorce was my desire to separate myself as much as possible from my now ex-husband's financial matters.  We live in a marital property state, and so our finances were even more tied together than most married couples' finances would be.  Well, here it is three years after the divorce, and I'm still under the shadow of my ex's "whatever":  I've discovered that he hasn't been filing tax returns and this failure to do so could still affect me for the year of the divorce.  I knew for many years (while we were married) about his desire to be a tax cheater so I took the necessary steps to protect myself while we were married.  But now that we're divorced, I can't do anything to ensure his compliance with the law. He said more than once that he didn't want to hurt me and that our marriage was the best thing that ever happened to him, and he has been referred to as a "saint" because he takes care of his aging parents, but I continue to feel cruddy because of the financial issues.  

Thank you for letting me vent.