ADD Spouse's Family

I am wondering if anyone out there is in a similar situation like mine. I live 3000 miles away from my closest relatives. I am in the same city as my spouse's family, I'm in the same area where my spouse grew up and went to college. So, almost every person i know is through my spouse. I did meet quite a few people where I worked but after I had children i lost track of many of them because I was able to stay home with my children. Suffice it to say, Just about every person i know is through my spouse. So, here is my current delima. My spouse is out of town, there is a family member (dh's) that no one likes, that I am obligated to go see with the kids tomorrow. No one knows how messed up our life is right now. I am in no mood to fake it and i have no one to confide in since it is my spouses whole family. None of them believe add? None of them want to hear it. None of them think I should be able to function on my own when he goes out of town. I tried to get out of seeing this particular person who is driving an hour to see the kids, but they changed their plans to see us, so we absolutely have no excuse to avoid them. With all of the problems I am dealing with right now, the last thing I want to do is go pretend that my spouse is the greatest person on the planet when my spouse has caused me the most hurt and the most frustration in my life right now. Unfortunately, my face can not lie. I seem to show everything in my eyes. It is just one more thing in my 15 years of doing it "because it's the right thing to do" that I "should" do because it will not upset or hurt anyone.... I just feel so trapped sometimes. Trapped with dh, trapped here far away from my family, trapped because of financial problems, trapped because i made a commitmet, and trapped and suffocated because i chose to be with much stronger personalities. I mean, sure, i could call and say we aren't coming.... But, pissing everyone off isn't another thing I need to deal with right now. The old geezer does love the children and he can't help the jerk he is. I can't stand how bigoted and chauvanistic he is. He always says he will talk to my dh when i say something since he must think I dont have a brain. The man never talks to me. He only thinks women are here for one reason only. He never married and always has a different girl in his life... So he says. He fought for our country, his only redeeming quality... He is a drunk, but doesnt get drunk around us. Does anyone have the same situation where there is NO SAFE place to fall? I feel so alone and so closed off and isolated sometimes. My friends dont get it (ADD). I tried to talk to dh's siblings but they didnt understand and said it was a "crock" and said I needed to stop thinking about myself and stop being so selfish... That was 5 years ago. This site is really the only comfort that I have that is free. I did have my counselor for 10 years... I have since stopped seeing her, we are still paying the bills. He is now seeing someone, not weekly though. Our insurance is terrible. I dont know, maybe I'm making a big deal over nothing. However, i can't stop this terrible dread feeling for tomorrow with dh's family...