Forum topic: ADHD Too Stubborn to Change

After years of begging, my DH is finally going to be seen by a psychiatrist. He's been off meds since 2011 when he had his heart attack.  It's been a struggle because he stopped taking his antidepressants too so he's been a real treat to live with for the past year especially. /saracasm.

I am glad that he's going to try to get some help again, but I am also realistic about how long it will take.  Meanwhile, I have to live with his behavior while trying to parent two young kids, manage my own PPD and preexisiting mood disorder, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I want to detach with love, I guess.   But I get angry and I don't know how.


I'm so glad for you that you're making progress with your DH getting help. Well done! 

I feel for the challenges you face. Who can you go to for help - your doctor, a family member or friend?

What works for me for detachment and patience is Buddhist mindfulness. If that interests you there are plenty of resources on the web.  

Are you in counseling just for yourself?  You have so much to deal with, a professional could help you deal with the stress and help you to find a way to detach with love.  It will take some time for your dh to see improvement but if he sticks with the treatment it will happen, there's light at the end of the tunnel, but he will always struggle with his symptoms.  You need a support system for yourself.