ADHD wife pregnant in medical school...

I am going absolute crazy.


We've only been married for 1.5 months, she got pregnant on our wedding night, and she started medical school a few weeks ago. She went from taking 80mg non-xr qd to 30-40mg. She is struggling in class, absolutely horrible to me, and I'm starting counseling next week just to deal with my own emotions. Saw my parents (who live on the other coast) for the first time today in a few months (they flew out to see my new nephew that was recently born a couple hours away but stopped to check in on me...) and I could barely hold it together. I spent the morning painting over mustard stains on the ceiling (temper tantrum from 2 weeks ago when she threw mustard at the fridge and it friggin' exploded everywhere), repainting walls from where she throws glasses and plates (has been happening). She won't let me talk to her psychiatrist... I don't want to intervene in her med school (she has threatened to sabotage my studies at a better medical school that start in August if she doesn't pass this summer introductory class... it's not looking too good because with her reduced medication she struggles to cover the huge amount of material covered in her lectures). I know that I will start medical school no matter what she's breaking or threatening but I don't want to ruin her class this summer by bringing the psychiatrist in to eff with her meds some more...


I just need to vent because marriage so far has not been easy. And its not getting any easier with a kid and eight to ten years of rigorous education ahead of me. I hope this therapy works cause I'm not feelin' too good right now.