And this is called a "trivet."

I have been recovering from a bad sinus infection for quite some time.  My wife just came down with one.  She wanted to rest yesterday afternoon.

During that time, I worked on dinner--simmering corned beef and prepping roasted potatoes.  I also did a ton of the backlog of dirty dishes.

Our 10 year old was watching tv.  I went upstairs, and when I came down I found some ice cream out. I asked her if anyone said she could have ice cream and she acknowledged that she had not asked permission.  I told her she should not have it before dinner and I put it back in the freezer.

While I continued to work on dinner, she came in and started frying eggs in a saucepan.  Keep in mind that she is a very, very picky vegetarian, so her eating something else is normal.  Then she wanted to melt cheese in a frying pan.  I tried to tell her to melt the cheese on top of the eggs.  Nope, she kept going ahead with the frying pan.  Then she started stirring the cheese with a butter knife.  I told her not to use metal on a nonstick pan.  She briefly used a plastic ladle, but then went back to the knife.  When she was done cooking, she took both hot pans into the dining room, set them down on the table, and walked away.  I was busy cooking.  I yelled at her that she should not put hot pans on the table.  She resisted moving them, but finally came back.  There was a bag under the frying pan, and that appears to have protected the table.  But there is now a burned circle where she put the saucepan.