Another adhd relationship

My best friend - it took us a long time to become best friends.  We met online and at some point exchanged phone numbers. Over a several year time span, it was me who did all the initiating of the friendship. I called. I sent messages.  

She’s always been the most amazing friend in terms of understanding and loving me at my most ugly points and in spite of my faults. That’s why I kept pursuing the friendship. But after time and time again of being told she’d call, and then she never did, I would go long spells of keeping our friendship to online because she didn’t seem invested. 

Eventually, she started responding more and more to me. But still, I usually had to do almost all of the initiating.  And right now, we are both going through some personal struggles. I want her to be there for me, like I’m trying to be for her, and she’s dropped off the map again. It’s been years since it happened. But here it is again. And I’m angry over it.  I want to support her and get support, too.  

Maybe it’s because I get so much neglect from my adhd husband. Maybe that’s why this is such a big deal to me.  All I know is I’m angry, and I’m tired of being the one who reaches out and meets empty air.