Do mindmaps help?

Hello everyone, 

I'm a women from Belgium, since 3 months I have a relationship and yes my partner has ADHD, he told me from the begining and after 2 months I start to notice that we react on things completelly different. So I bought myself a book ADHD relationships, witch brought me to this site. The book is a huge confrontation for me. 

When I just bought it my partner said immediately, I also should read this ... I was very happy to notice that he knows that it's a way we have to travel together. But I also know that he isn't a book reader although he knows that it will help us. 

So I thought be myself... how can I handle this??? Than I came to this: I make a huge mindmap with lots of paintings and collars and of course the most important information we can use at this moment and I hang it in my desk when it is completely finished. There will be a moment that he walks in and then I simply let hem know that I made it for us. In the first case because I know he isn't a reader and in the second case so I can always see why things don't go the way I may be expect them to go and to see the tips everyday, so I know for myself what I should do and shouldn't do... 

If it doesn't work out... no problem I'll find something else. One thing is for sure for me it will work to remind me of how different we are. 

In daylife I speak Dutch, so if there are mistakes in my text.. I'm sorry for that. 

Greetz Karen