First step today

Well I don't know where to begin. I've been married 32 years and only very recently learned enough about ADD & ADHD to think maybe my husband has this. I mentioned some things I'd learned about it to him in passing once and he said oh yeah, that's what it's like. I didn't think much more about it until I heard Melissa on TV this week promoting her book. So I thought I would look into this a little more because it sounded like us. I found this site today and have been reading and OMG this IS us. Fortunately our marriage has survived but this would explain SO much about why it is the way it is which is really helpful. It also explains a lot of things about my husband. I love him dearly but I think understanding more about this could help him, me and us. So today I got him to sit with me with no other distractions and told him what I had discovered. He listened and we had a very thoughtful conversation about many things. We agreed we wanted to learn more about this and would start by reading this book and maybe another one. I'm happy he was willing to listen and investigate and didn't get upset or discount the idea. I'm really in shock after reading some things here. It is so much like us. I'm looking forward to learning more about this as I think it could improve our quality of life and prevent things from getting worse. So glad to have found this site.