H has signed us up for marriage counseling.....

I have no problem with the idea of going.  I have gone before.  But....


Each time we've tried, the same things happen....


1) H wants to do ALL of the talking.  The therapist, at the beginning, will PROMISE that I will have a fair share of time, but no therapist has been able to achieve that goal.  H will typically interrupt me or call me a liar.  


2) If I say ANYTHING that paints him in any sort of negative light, he blows up and says that I'm mud-slinging or bad-mouthing him.  He'll later say that I'm supposed to say 10 good things for every 1 bad thing about him.  The therapist has little time to be listening to 10 good things for every one "bad thing" (omg!). 


3) he wants to down play his alcoholism and claim that it hasn't affected his family at all.


4) he wants to claim that I turned our kids against him.