Help! My husband and I BOTH have ADD!

I've just recently come to terms with the fact that I have ADD.  My oldest son was diagnosed with it a few years ago and ever since then, i knew I had it too.  I never had those thoughts confirmed until I started seeing a therapist to deal with my depression.  I had seen a therapist before who diagnosed me with chronic depression and generalized anxiety disorder and I started taking Celexa.  That ended up being changed to Lexapro.  Anyway, after seeing my new therapist for a while, she said I had ADD and we determined the Lexapro wasn't working so had my medicine changed to Wellbutrin because that is proven to work for ADD symptoms. It was a good move, but certainly not a cure all!  I am still in therapy trying to deal with the constant feeling of being overwhelmed.  Somewhere in this time, I realized that my husband has it along with my middle son.  It seems my youngest is the only one not affected, however I am so worried he's just going to learn to live the life of an ADDer.  The problem I'm facing right know is that I'm the only one who seems to be concerned about any of this.  My husband does not help at all!  Even though I try to tell him he has a problem, he just shrugs it off or laughs and makes a joke about it.  He also uses it as an excuse for his behavior citing "his disease" as he puts it.  I can't get him to come to therapy with me, I can't seem to convince him that there has been major problems in our marriage for so long.  I can't seem to convince him that we need help!  I just recently have been reading Dr. Hallowell's book "Delivered from Distraction" and I feel like he has written a story about my life!  In the chapter Living Through The Pain of ADD He posts an email that was sent to him from a desperate woman.  That email is just like me!  The only difference is I am not in an abusive marraige (just a frustrating one)  I don't know how to convince him that this is a serious issue.  I'm not quite sure even if anyone can help me with this.  It's just a relief to actually put this down in writing and send it people  who understand!  Thanks for your time.......