How to change?

I am pushing my non add wife to her edge.  She has given me something of an ultimatum, change or else, soon.  I want to change, I want to show her how much I love her.  But I fail.  I forget arguments and relive them.  I make promises and later don't even realize I made them.  She sees me make the same mistakes over and takes it as proof of uncaring and unloving behavior.  

I have tried many ADD meds.  I have learned that anything XR burns me out, I get a boost at first.  But then I get more headaches, and eventually just burnt out.  Non-stimulants don't work very well for me.  I also have found several conditions this year that could be the source of or contribute to ADD.  Very low testosterone.  An ulcer making me anemic.  Moderate sleep apnea.  Depression, which I thought was just from being unemployed, but I have a history of it in my family, as well as substance abuse that I have never had, but it has made me believe I need to take some antidepressants just to make sure I do not slide into a hole.  I am having hormone replacement treatments, iron supplements, I have 10mg IR adderall as needed.  I drink a lot of coffee during the day, and if I can remember too I take a half or a whole adderall before going home.  I need to be good at home...

My wife says I never look like I am happy.  Other than the problems with her I feel like I am in one of the best places I have ever been.  I have a new job that I really like, I have never been able to say that before.  I have a 6 year old daughter that I can't imagine being any more awesome.  At first I denied that I was acting unhappy.  But a therapists put a mirror up to my face and I could see it, not sure what is wrong with me.  I want to change, want to make my wife feel special, want to notice what is going on, make her feel supported.  I make my phone remind me, but after I get used to it going off I start pushing it to the back of my mind, I expect it so it doesn't get attention.  I get foggy, and I think my wife interprets that as unhappy and mopey.  I tried talking to her about how ADD can make it seem like I am not trying but I really am, she gets angry and says I can't use ADD as an excuse and hide behind it.  I do not think my wife can really acknowledge that she has any part in how things are, I am not sure she deserves any credit anyway.  

I decided I was going to focus only on my own issues.  I can't control my wife, but I can control my own behavior.  But I am not so sure now.  I try, I make reminders, I kick myself, but I still forget.  I still fail.  I think I am making progress, but my wife can not see it.  I am not sure if I really am.  My wife even says on paper we should be ridiculously happy.  We both now have great jobs.  A great family.  Our futures seem so bright and positive.  Except she feels so lonely.  She can't take it anymore.  I do not know what to do.  I told myself I was going to journal and be reflective, but tomorrow turns into the day after that then never.  I feel like I do not have enough time, never enough.  

How can I make myself change?  How do I stop accidentally being a hurtful jerk to the woman I love?  Just knowing should be enough, but then I forget, do it again.  Then cringe as my wife yells in anger and frustration.  I deserve it, but I should be better, I should be able to control my own actions, my own mind...