Forum topic: How do you deal with non-urgency of ADHD'er to find work?

From the time we were married in 1990-2001, my husband held a FT job with benefits. I was the housewife with a couple of cleaning jobs and in 1993 started working FT also. In 2001, we got a settlement and that is when it all started. He asked me what I wanted out of the money and I said to never be broke again. I wanted to put it in the bank and continue working. He pushed my idea aside and he invested in everything he had ever dreamed of doing as a business and worked for himself. Everything he decided to do failed and we lost it all. I never stopped working throughout the whole ordeal, 2 years, so as to keep us covered with medical benefits. Now his resume if speckled with small PT jobs here and there and he is almost 50. His main income now id Djing, which he is excellent at, but Winter is slower. For the past couple of years, he hoards some money from the busy season and works a few hours a week at whatever temp job he has that year and never applies for FT work. Last year, he got a 15 hr a week job with a DJ office doing their clerical and sales for the office but the owner of the company told him that in the Winter he may not be able to afford to have him there. I then told my husband to not be loyal to this PT job and start applying. He said "I know, I know" and then continues to work there, sleep in since he is an insomniac and refuses to take sleeping pills. All this while I work FT to keep our benefits. Thank God that I love my job and it helps me keep my sanity. So now it is Winter and as predicted, his boss told him he may have no work for him. He gives him a few hours here and there. For the past years I have gone out of my way to find work for him while he sleeps in, hangs out, contacts a few brides here and there to collect deposits for future wedding to pay for his half of the bills. I guess this makes him feel secure and then the busy season kicks in and he is the man again. So last month I sent him some jobs to apply to that were excellent and he hasn't applied. I asked him if he has enough money saved to give me his half of the bills and he said he thinks so. I also told him that he is getting older and it will be harder to find a FT job with his speckled resume. He brought out his past businesses and his experience but he just doesn't get that people want to see success and consistency when they hire you not to mention that my husband has no degree, he has a GED, charisma and experience due to the many jobs he has had. So he has taken the month of January "off" and he has a free schedule for the Winter. Even during busy season, he has worked 15 hrs a week and does whatever he wants with the rest of the time. Somehow, it feels like he works 40 hrs a week since he sits on his laptop til 3 AM playing or being distracted yet he brings home a check for 15 hrs. He never gets much done that he wants to do, doesn't go to the gym that he pays for, doesn't have dinner ready for me unless he gets me take out, his projects go undone. Its hard to see someone with all that time on their hands and I sit at work wishing I could be productive at home. I am trying to find a new way to deal with this since he does NOT listen, he does not look ahead to the future, he waits til things get bad to apply for jobs and then if they offer $12 an hour he gets disgusted because he has all this experience. Then he throws in how he can make two weeks pay in one Dj gig. It makes me feel insecure, even though right NOW he can give me his portion for the bills, when will that money run out? I have told him it takes a while to get a job from the first interview to they hire him and he just agrees but does nothing. He seems very content having no work, being able to do what he wants but I am worried, as I always am every year. It bothers me that he is ok with just getting by while I work FT. It would help us out so much if he had stability with income. I just don't understand this at all. Others have noticed as well especially when they see him during the week and ask what he is doing these days. Today he is hanging out with a friend helping him chop wood. Last year he was going to dip into out tax money for the bills instead of find a job. How can a man feel manly like this? Maybe he doesn't? Is he afraid of failure if he doesn't get hired after applying to 30 jobs? He always has issues at his jobs due to personality issues. He is the guy who wants justice to be served at his job and voices his opinion for everything. He lost a great temp job for putting someone in their place eloquently after they yelled at him inappropriately, not only telling her but ccing the CEO of the company, thinking they would think he was awesome. I told him not to send the email since they would fire him and he said he can support us with his DJ money if that happened. It did happen. But why thnik that way? Why is it always the principle of the matter and not the fact that the supplemental money would have helped us? Who has 40 hrs free a week and is content with just getting by with savings? It is more than frustrating. I feel caught up in his vortex of insanity and illogical thinking. Talking to him is pointless since he does what HE wants anyway and is caught up in a false sense of security since right now he can pay half the bills and feeling that he will ALWAYS be in high demand because he is a great DJ. I have always told him that DJing is a nice thing to be able to do but it should supplement income bit be your only source. So, do I just sit back and watch it happen again and again? Do I stop mentioning jobs to apply for? He is grown, he has a high IQ, he says he needs to find something, then WHY IS HE NOT DOING IT? I know that I am going to be working until I am 70. He calls me crazy for even thinking about leaving my job since its a great job. I feel like just letting him be and when things get bad he will cry again and self-loathe and say he has nothing to show for his life. In the meantime, I feel like throwing all my time into myself and go to the gym and take care of myself since anxiety and disappointment make me just go home, wonder if there is dinner for me, take a hot bath and go to bed. And the cycle goes on the next day. I want to respect him and its hard because he is not fulfilling his role. I don't want to emasculate him since he does that to himself. I just can't see wasting 40 hours a week and being so self-confident. Anyone have suggestions? And before you say meds and therapy, he won't go.


If I wrote your post; you might say to me; your are allowing your spouse's life to dictate your peace...

For some reason women who are married to men they can't count on want accept it and do for themselves...Is it because you just hate it so bad? Or guilt?  I don't know...I suggest you take a long deep breathe and get you a plan (separate finances, 401K) that does not hinge on him and his refusal to work a regular job...It doesn't mean you don't love him, it just means you aren't him and do not agree with his level of responsibility going into your later years...

If your decisions to take care of yourself doesn't set well with him, that tells you about his motives right there....It's OK to tell your spouse "No I can't trust you based on the way you live life" Then walk away...(I don't mean walk away from the relationship, just don't take on any guilt trips from the irresponsible party) You have a life and convictions...So live it....


I am in the same boat. I have realized after 10 yrs of this nonsense, I only control myself and my reactions to what my ADHD husband does or more often what he doesn't do. in Light of this, we have no joint accounts at all, not even the water bill. I take care of almost everything and pay for 80-85% of everything. I do what I need to do. Things are handled but the resentment that I feel is huge. I have no respect for him, and feel like I have an adult child to care for in addition to our children. Its overwhelming when you really think about it in the perspective that if a man cannot even close the dang cereal box, he probably also cannot (or chooses to not) take care with his job or finances. I sure wish I had known this before getting married because I sure wouldn't have!

Hang in there and work on doing what you need to do in order to be okay!

Thank you Sunshine! I will do just that. It's so true. I did separate my bills from household bills so that I can have some money left for me and treating myself. I will still require his portion and when the money dwindles, the tv gets cut. We truly are miracle workers to deal with these challenges. My H always says that I always make the bills work but it takes a lot of juggling and he doesn't see that. He did say he applied for ONE job yesterday. But really, we all know that is not enough to get a job. Will they even call him? But I said, "That's good." and kept it moving. 

This morning I was up at 5:45 AM getting ready for work and at 7 AM he gets up to go to the bathroom and is grouchy, of course, since he stayed up til past midnight playing on his phone. He passed me twice. I said good morning, he responded. That's it. He went back to bed. If only I could. I made my breakfast, ate alone at the table while he slept. I am so happy to have a job I love and that makes me feel like I can take care of myself. I can always depend on me. So glad we have no children even though I always wanted them, but not in this scenario. I am so grateful to be at a job that I feel secure at after 8 years. And I know that if I lost it, I could find another quickly. 

So let's ROCK ON! Yes, it's rough but I have been doing this so long, I am a pro. I know that if I die, he will just rely on my insurance money and not work due to more depression, wallow in self-pity and retreat from the world. But after that money is gone, then what? Reality will set in. Too bad they don't take advantage of the here and now. 

What's going to happen when you're at retirement age?  Will your retirement income support both of you?  


My H has many issues (is getting better thank goodness), but if he hadn't regularly provided a very good income, he'd have been kicked to the curb from the beginning.  No way would I support an able-bodied man.  No way.   He worked a professional position for over 35 years and now is retired with an excellent pension.  He helps me a LOT with my business, which saves me a lot of money.   No friggin' way would I support him.  Spouses should only be supported when they're taking care of children, they truly are disabled and unable to work, or they are "pulling their weight" in some other way.  


The idea that a husband can stay up late playing or watching TV, and then sleep in while his wife has to get up to just sickening.  


If guys like this didn't have women willing to let them be children, they'd work....because they would have to work.  

I don't support him, right now we are 60/40 its really just the non-urgency he has to find a reliable job that is not just seasonal. So he has some money hoarded from his seasonal job that he can float the bills on but one day that can fall apart. Then 40 hrs a week he is free to do what he wants. 

But even when he did work PT during week, the "stay up late playing or watching TV, and then sleep in" still happens and it is sickening to watch but that is ADHD I am told and that is what I see all over this forum. 

How will he support himself when it's time to retire?  Does he have retirement savings?  It doesn't sound like he's paid much into SS to get much from that each month.


I agree that the "stay up late playing around," and then "sleeping in" is often associated with ADHD (and depression), it's not a symptom that we all just have to accept.  It's a passive aggressive behavior.   They can change time-zones and they quickly it's within their control.   It's just a way for them to do what they want when they want.


Several members of my H's family have ADHD, including my H.  They all have this tendency to stay up late and sleep in....except when they want to be up early for something THEY want. 


I noticed this before H retired.  If he had a golf tee time or something he wanted, he easily could jump out of bed, get to bed/sleep at a reasonable hour....and he could get up for work (altho he did have a flex-time schedule so he didn't have to be there by 8, but usually got there by 8:30-9)...BUT....on Saturdays when he knew that there were some chores to do (we have a very large home), he'd want to sleep until 2.  


When he stayed at his brother's home while he were separated, his brother became very annoyed with him because he promised to help him rake leaves the following day, and H didn't get up until well after noon....after the job was done.  


This sleeping in late thing is often just a passive-aggressive ploy to get out of work, chores, or having to see others working/going to work.   When you're only awake between 2pm - 2am then you conveniently avoid the times when others will expect much from you.  



Hey NGLM, I can't speak for the specifics about your H and all his work behaviors, but I can speculate possibly a little better than you can basing this on myself and some the conclusions I have come to about some of the things you mentioned and the reasons why to explain it....possibly?

You said you really don't understand this all in it's entirety and that is what I may offer at least....the basic motivation on his part? Point by point here..... He's found something that works and he good at. problem there. But it is inconsistent and ever changing.....bad for someone with ADHD.  No (or weak and ever changing) structure. We need consistency and structure to off set our limitations in these areas and this exactly the opposite of what he has.

So he's good at the job....but bad with making changes and shifting focus and choreographing his ever changing and somewhat up in the air agenda and schedule that goes along with the job he's good at. It's a compromise (but not a good one the way it sits) and the outcome is not as good as it could be without the parts within it that hit up against what he is poorest at doing. Not much you can do with these limitations themselves (the ADHD ones) and that's why they're a problem for him (almost goes without saying?)   And reasonably speaking.....HIS expectations of himself to do both at the same time (well) is where he is failing to see the down sides that support the good sides in order to maintain the job that fits him the best and one he knows how to do well. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul in this case? I think it is? Why?

The second part of this....who's Peter, and who's Paul here...and what is he trying to avoid and possibly what he is not aware of which is why he isn't seeing this.........

Failure as you speculate might be part of it....but I don't think that's the whole story?  The part that you mentioned about him getting fired for being difficult and appearing so idealistic that he can't let those things go and having to voice his dissatisfaction about seeing himself or others getting treated unfairly sounds very much like a victim to me? (some ones is always doing something TO YOU...when you're a victim) and he feels persecuted and singled out because of it. 

He may be being singled out for his ADHD symptoms that true (what he knows from the past and what he believes)but he also may just be hyper sensitive to what most people experience in part time (disposable/expendable positions)....but instead of seeing it that  way and going "hey....what can be done here and what can I do about that to make that different?)...he takes it personally and makes it about everyone else who is making working in these jobs where he has to punch the clock, take direction and accept a certain amount of responsibility without recourse to blame others ie: when your the employee and not the boss.... that kind of "no excuses allowed" top to the bottom relationship will make a victim feel even more like one right from the start.

It's inherent to that kind of job and this only makes being a victim worse...not better. When confronted with this.....he has to speak out for the injustice of it all. In reality....these jobs probably don't suit him well and it's not a good fit. To a certain degree with part time jobs like this......"beggars can't be choosers"...and you take what ever comes at you with stride....or you don't take it at all.

In his case....the "with stride" part is where he is failing I think. If that's such a big problem for him.....he is likely not going to put himself in that position again or want to even if he's not putting 2 + 2 together and actually aware of this himself?

Denial = victim + therapy = awareness and then doing something different. That's how it works and that's why he fails and is stuck in this perpetual cycle. That's a good clue right keeps coming back around and repeating the same pattern again and again....just like turning in circles. It's a red flag at least in my mind from the description?  When you've got one wheel spinning and stuck in the mud.....all your going to do is turn in circles and you go anywhere fast. Career wise....this sounds like the case if I am reading into this correctly?

The answer is to get the one wheel out of the mud and then everything will fall into place. Using this metaphor....I just explained which wheels are his ADHD and which wheel is causing the problem. In this case....the wheel that needs help (that's stuck in his mind and his false thinking about himself) is the one labeled..."victim."  It's not everyone else who is making these jobs "hard" on's his ADHD that is making doing these jobs themselves difficult.  ADHD  or everyone else here?  Victim or accepting a certain amount of responsibility for his limitations and seeing the world from that perspective?   I think that's the source or cause of his irrationality and denial right there....the part you were having trouble understanding?

I hope that explains it better for you?



Sounds about right. That wheel has been stuck in the mud a long time, sometimes both have been stuck in the mud. I have gotten him out of the mud on my own by getting him awesome jobs and you know what happens next...the victim gets himself right back in the mud by doing something off but in his mind, warranted. My wheels are turning! I have 4 wheel drive. :)