I have had a major shift today in my heart

I have had a breakthrough.  I have found a name for my own stuckness.  This is a snippet from an article in CHADD's Attention magazine:

"COMPASSION FATIGUE IS THE PRICE WE MAY SOMETIMES PAY for the compassion we feel for others who are struggling, and for working tirelessly to help them improve their lives. Among its tell-tale signs is emotional exhaustion. We feel worn out, our spark is gone, and that light at the end of the tunnel is fading fast. While its effects have been studied mostly by experts in the field of traumatic stress, some experts now believe it actually casts a wider net than originally thought. Teachers can suffer from compassion fatigue. So can therapists. So can spouses. And so can parents of children with learning and behavioral challenges. The good news is that it’s reversible. "

I have probably read this basic information a million times in other articles, books or magazines. Today, it was put into a quote that settled right in my own heart of understanding.  I have a sense of myself today in: THAT'S ME!  

If you can name it, you can fix it.