I was blindsided.. Didn't have all info before I married my ADD husband. Now I feel stuck in this marriage...

Hi it’s my first time posting on this very helpful group. And I have to tell you I command you all for your determination in fighting and or embracing your challenge that is ADD or ADHD. I’m coming to you without judgement but I need to talk to you about my situation and I wish someone could help me deal with this situation. I am not diagnosed with this condition. My husband is. I wasn’t told he had ADD until December 26th of last year. I only knew he was dyslexic and that is the only information I was aware of. I always thought something else was going on but I never could figure it out until my mother-in-law told me, well you knew he had Attention Deficit Disorder when you married him! I said WHAT!!! She never told me I swear, because honestly I would have sought help for him sooner than I did. My marriage wouldn’t have been as miserable as it has for the past 3 years. My husband can hardly remember his phone number, his address, forget about finances. He just goes to work and I manage finances. I pay all the bills, he cannot be trusted with money because on top of that he has a food addiction… There is a lock on my fridge (I’m not even kidding) I’m so tired of having this parent child relationship it drains the heck out of me and I feel like I’m stuck in this marriage where not all information were giving to me. Now I’m not going to sit here and play the victim, because nobody forced me to marry him, but things were different when he was pursuing me. He was kind, lovable, and attentive to my needs… I guess I had his full attention then…. Now he can go on all day in front of his Japanese cartoons or video games and it’s as if I don’t exist. I’m on the verge of separation because I don’t know how much longer I can go on in this relationship. It’s not even about love anymore because I don’t feel like this man can elevate my intellect, that he understands my inner thoughts. You know like most of the time I feel he doesn’t get it… I’m always the one yelling, arguing telling him what to do and looking like the bad crazy wife in front of our family and friends. I’m miserable, unhappy and out of love with this man… The happy pictures of my wedding are showing a whole different reality of my life now… He started his medication yesterday (Concerta) they started him on the smaller dose for a week and progressively they will increase it if I don’t see improvement… And I kid you not when I tell you the neighbor called me today to tell me my door was wide open today… He had forgotten to lock the door… This is just my reality… Forgetting to lock doors, forgetting keys, disorganization… I could go on and on. But I guess you know the symptoms better than I do. I needed to vent… Thanks for reading.. . I need help… P.S Sorry for my English, I’m French speaking.. Sorry for my mistakes.