Inability to speak it...

It is very difficult to communicate with a spouse who can't speak their feelings...What is the reason for this? Is it the absents of the ability to mold words around convictions? Is it fear of commitment to the call on their life TO BE a spouse? Is it the inability to SEE and FEEL what the role of a H or W is?

Denial of what is healthy and right will always make our relationships completely hopeless until the light comes on for each person....(Responsibility of what it means to be a spouse AND Ownership of my current thinking, feelings and resulting behaviors, as it compares to this role I am responsible for)...

We are all human, and we will make mistakes, we will believe untruths, and we will have to battle our own selfishness....But when I, or my spouse refuses to give effort (do the work) and also refuses to even communicate the reality of what we are making important.....Then there is no hope for that relationship to move into a healthy state....