Is it possible to heal from the hurt in an ADHD marriage and move on?

Ok, life with an ADHD spouse is a roller-coaster.  I have been in every type of counseling for about a decade.  My husband was diagnosed with ADHD, very severe about a year ago.  In my opinion the ADHD lifestyle has been a very cruel way to live.  There is so much hurt that I clearly remember and live with each day.  most of it is very well explained in the ADHD book.  Being ADHD, my husband seems to be able to move on very easily.  I think he is working moderately-hard to learn from his ADHD.  But I am positive that if an event occurs which requires him to support me, most likely he won't be able to provide the support I will need.  It is a terrifying way to live and as I have stated in earlier posts, my ability to manage in this relationship is very limited. 

Mainly,  I am wondering if it is actually possible to move forward like the ADHD person does?  And how do I do that?