
How do non-ADHD spouses stay motivated to take care of themselves when the spouse doesn't notice or care either way??  Last June I started a BIG weight loss thing--I exercised and lost 20+ pounds and I looked great.  Hubby liked it but also told me I looked fine before (that's nice actually, nothing I am mad about).  Now things are a little rougher and I have put 5 pounds back on.  Not the end of the world--this week was spring break and so I signed up for hot yoga (took five classes in 7 days) plus swam and walked a bunch.  No pounds lost yet, but feeling better.  And I got my hair highlighted four days ago and hubby hasn't noticed.  Now, to be clear, I am a big girl and I don't do things so others notice, but it would be nice, you know.  How do others keep motivated to take care of themselves when we are so busy taking care of everyone else AND no one notices anyway???  

little bit of a pity party tonight I'm afraid...