Need advice about evaluation for my husband

As a result of my request, urging, pleading and tears in therapy, my husband has finally agreed to an ADHD evaluation. We called a very reputable psychologist in our area who conducts a 2 hour interview as part of the assessment.  The doctor would like for the spouse (me) to be present to be able to provide more information which will lead to a more accurate diagnosis. Originally, my husband was against me being part of the eval, but after further explanation from me has realized that my input could be beneficial. Can anyone offer insight about how to handle the eval from the non-ADD spouse's point of view? I have so many things that I want to bring up in the eval, but I don't want my husband to feel like he is being attacked.  I finally feel like I have some hope and if I don't prepare adequately for the evaluation, details may be overlooked.  Any thoughts from the community...