Forum topic: New to the forum... Non-ADD/ADHD Husband looking for answers.

Not for here pity or self-indulgent sentiment, just trying to understand and learn because currently I'm at a loss because all of this is foreign to me.

I believe my wife to have ADD, as far as I know I'm a non-ADD husband. Our second oldest daughter (my stepchild that I've raised since she was 4, 9 years ago) was diagnosed with ADD, close to two years ago now. My wife and I both come from pretty rough backgrounds, me from the poorer areas of southern and east coast cities and her from similar areas in New Jersey and Virginia. My point to saying that, is she (as I) often struggles with normal feelings on par with those that struggled in such manners from an early age; i.e. abandonment, disappointment, trust, constructs of pessimism and the proper management and expression of all manner of negative emotion, feeling, thought and action. Again, I say in this regard we are very much similar, as it is my personally philosophy that "God" never brings individuals into our lives to which we are not equally yoked. Thus in most instances, you are the same as everyone you meet either exactly or in an equal but opposite embodiment. So with that being said, that first part isn't an issue for me as we both are dealing with such, learning to grow, forgive and move past our pasts.

The issues lie in our communication, her ability to shutdown when angered/annoyed/frustrated, her lack of emotional awareness in general, her defensiveness and stubbornness. I really hate this because I don't like feeling like I'm putting her on blast or telling some lopsided and biased story but I really don't know where else to go. We argue about things and she feels like "we argue about everything", whereas I'm like we were just talking, until she becomes so adamant about our arguing that we begin to actually argue. She says it's because I'm so contrary to whatever her opinion is and I don't "see" myself but half the time in my estimation and understanding, we're just talking, then I say something so context I never intended gets applied to it and then BOOM, I'm stuck explaining myself for hours and during that time she's angry because I monopolize the conversation, trying to defuse something that on my end never took place. These conversations lead to arguments because my defusing often leads to misinterpretations and misunderstandings no matter how many disclaimers or how carefully I word my responses. It's like she cherry-picks what I say and rarely applies the full context to our conversations. I'm then usually cornered into admitting something that I did say but not in the manner that she took it (which means she's right, in her estimation), but trying to explain while not appearing defensive but still telling the truth, only to get obliterated in the end with her saying, "See you're always trying to switch &^#*$! up!" or just looking at me in complete disgust before shutting down but not before explaining that I don't see me and that I always have an atitude or some nasty reaction to her. To that I try to explain that my initial reaction isn't always how I truly feel, for example if I'm writing or playing a video game or watching the game and you interrupt me five times in a row while I'm not intending to be rude, my reaction is just that my focus is being broken. (Sometimes it is annoyance but I'm honest about those times.) But now I'm at a point where I honestly don't know. I feel attacked all the time (and I'm not sensitive by any means) but I'm tired of trying to help, love, relax or have (my version of) fun with her only to be cornered and made to feel like I'm wrong for doing so. We're at a point that her adherence to her own thought and belief literally has her where in her mind, I'm a liar. Because in every instance we argue she tells me how I felt or what she thought my reaction was and she's rarely right in those judgments and perceptions, to which she feels like in the sheer number of times she's incorrect she should be right by now, which causes her to doubt me all together. She always takes the most superficial meaning of our conversations and that alone becomes the most broadest explanation of what's wrong with me or even worse just me in general. Almost like an end all, be all solution for the explanation of "my problems" or "who" I am. In those explanations, she's rarely accountable in any meaningful way from my perspective. Mainly, in my opinion because truthfully I don't press the issue. I love my wife and that's it. I don't believe in conditional love and everything is temporary, plus I don't feel like she'll never learn, grow or be better for herself and by extension us, so I try to be understanding and not complain unless it's actually happening.

At this point, I'm just worried and weary. She's passionate and often willing to go to the end based upon any deeply felt belief. She's as of late drinking wine alot, I try not to act as if it bothers me but we both know it does. She's appears to be self-medicating and she's always talking about escaping or having something for herself. Which I get but in the same breath unless it's something that can't be missed (vacation, night out, dinner, etc.) she rarely will take time for herself on one hand, then on the other she'll get in modes where everything doesn't matter and she's simply in her own. I'm sorry for the length I'm trying to be thorough and fair. To that end, I will say that I'm a very analytical and critical person. Which seems like it always hits a nerve with her, so now I'm at a point where I try to just not say anything but I'm often unsuccessful because I was raised by a very frank single mother and we always tried to just be honest and open, explaining issues and needs as we go. Which seems to make her feel as if I'm judging her. I understand (at least I think) her point of view, I'm honestly just tired and looking for a solution. She's my best friend but it seems like we have no ability to be happy in our skin unless all things around us are favorable (which luckily for us currently have been at least 50% of the time).

Again sorry, this is my first time doing this and I really don't know what to write, much less how to explain in a manner that's fair to us both and in the end find answers.


Very sorry about the turmoil in your home. Not to discount your and your wife’s challenges growing up, but I think your current domestic troubles arise from your current circumstances – likely due to living with untreated ADHD. Your wife’s behaviors, your responses, then her reactions to your responses – very familiar, as Melissa Orlov has described in her books and in this blog.  Try to back up a bit and pull yourself out of the rabbit hole. Your child’s ADHD is a possible indicator of your wife’s issues. Draft a plan of action. First, get your wife evaluated.  Research the ADHD specialists in your area, or ask your daughter’s counselor or pediatrician for referrals to evaluators of adults for ADHD. (Difficulty with initiating action, reasoning, and follow-through can make it hard for untreated ADHDers to get themselves evaluated and then go to doctors and therapists.) Second, if ADHD is diagnosed in your wife, attend her doctor’s appointments for a bit. Doctors and therapists competent to treat ADHD require input from family members. Write down what you want to say to the doctor, and make sure you tell him or her about your wife’s alcohol abuse if it continues after medication for ADHD is begun. (Does your wife work? If not, who’s paying for her wine? No matter who pays, consider “closing the bar” at home for both of you for a while.) It can take a full year to get the meds right after ADHD is diagnosed. Third, get regular exercise, some relaxation therapy for yourself, and if necessary an anti-anxiety prescription from your doctor to reduce your stress as you help your wife get her behaviors under control. It sounds as though a lot is on your shoulders, so look after yourself.

Fourth, concentrate on changing the dynamics between you and your wife by getting her some sort of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in addition to the her meds. Reductions in problematic behaviors of an ADHD spouse, combined with mindfulness on the part of the non-ADHD partner, can help change their interaction. The non-ADHD partners reduce their reactions to ADHD emotional outbursts, etc., and learn to speak in shorter sentences, with less explanation and analysis. CBT for people with ADHD should emphasize behavioral change, with the cognitive part of the therapy focusing on replacement of unproductive attitudes with useful thoughts.  Effective therapy would help your wife address her oppositional and self-referential behavior.

Best of luck.

My wife is very much like your's...and I am much like you, but, probably a little more sensitive than you say you are...(imagine that:))...I was raised by a frank speaking Mother also....She's 81 and still is for that matter....

I will tell you what I think...Your wife is getting lost, because she cannot follow your monologs...which creates frustrations in her...So after a point she will say anything to end it!...My wife thinks when we're just talking we are arguing also...She ends up calling me a liar frequently, which of my negative traits being a Liar isn't one of them...I could go on and on with this, but, I want, If you have any specific questions I can answer I will, if I can....I truly understand what it's like being You:)

I will add this: We had a good Christian Counselor that called it like he seen it, and it definitely helped...The other thing is, as husbands you and I and all husbands for that matter or to live with our wives in an understanding manner...So you and I may not be able to engage our wife frequently as some husbands...You and I may not be able to get long winded in conversations with our wife's like some husbands can....On and On...I know where you're at...It's hard to back away and not feel comfortable in sharing the way you know how...The way that is natural for you...But, if you learn to, you want have to be told your lying so often, along with other difficulties that can surface when a wife thinks you a arguing;)...So, quiet is good, very good!

The more you try to explain, the more details you try to give her...The more agitation is ensuing in her brain and the deeper the hole your digging. Even, if it's only in her mind, which you've already found out makes it real to her :)...So, hugs and a smile are things our wives can comprehend...Simple! Keep it Simple!...So, if your like me and my wife...That burning story you want to share with her...Just keep it, you can share it with your co-worker's....

Man I wish you the best....