Hello all... I am new to this site, after having stumbled upon it. It is pretty neat. I have just been diagnosed with ADHD 3 months ago. I am in my 30's and never have been daignosed with it before. People are puzzled as to this fact. It has always been a running joke that i have it. Apparetnly I do. It got to the point that it has affected my marriage, have been married for 8 years and didn't think it was a problem. I guess it was all just accumukating and came to a point and it became untolerable. So now I am trying to work on it. I wish i had found out before so as to not get it to where it is now. I read driven to distraction and found it to be all very accurate, if only i had found it before. I was just wondering if there was anyone that may have some suggestions or can identify with my symptoms/problems or maybe make some suggestions. I am seeing a person to deal with my ADHD as well as take med. I guess i am just over focused on certain things and can't finsih a project on the other. I have been over focused on my wife to the point were now it is a burdern, i guess. We are still married and working it out to make it better, but not go back to how it was. I am looking for a balance, which is what i am trying to figure out. It seems to be helping, the med and the counciler. I am able to focus my energy better and complete more task and have been more effecient... I think... THis is my first time on a forum like this so i hope i didn't post too much and did not post in the wrong place.. Any suggestions would be helpful... Thank you.....
I hear ya.....loud and clear