No investment, No commitment..= No marriage.....

Facing the truth can be a very hard thing at times...Especially in our marriages...90% of our marriage issues (conflict) really has nothing to do w/ add/adhd...Not now anyway that I've learned more about it....But It has everything to do with commitment....My wife has never taken on the responsibilities of a wife...She is a victim about most every thing that relates to her role as a wife....I've spent the better part of 10 years asking her if she is ever going to invest in our marriage...It is a hard thing to share in a loving martial relationship like I had for 30 years (1st marriage)...Then have to face the fact that every thing about the way my wife lives, says "I had rather be single and somewhere else"...I've spent the last few years, trying to undo many of the mistakes I've made....I'm just so tired of living in a house w/ a women who's lack of commitment, can only produce a dysfunctional dynamic....I told her recently that she needs to start paying half of our utilities bills, TV, and Internet....Negative again of course....I've never asked her to do that....But her monthly income is more than mine now....So she needs to start paying....One person's love and commitment can never make a marriage...She needs to start investing her time, her energy, her money, her body.....And do it happily!...If it's not in her heart to invest herself into this marriage...She needs to move on...There can never be a healthy attachment when we are not fully invested fully commitment...Staying in a one sided relationship causes all kinds of emotional issues....I try to just live a thankful life, knowing I don't have to answer for her failures...But lets face it....I think most of us get into a marriage relationship in order to experience the beauty of what marriage was meant to be from the beginning of time....Two people totally invested and committed....Open, approachable and loving....

Yep, it's been a tall task over the past few years (one I still fail at from time to time)  to keep my emotions in check and try to stop pointing out the dysfunction of her living so selfishly and so uninvested in our marriage....If I was so offended, and so un-contented by being a husband, and taking on the responsibilities of a husband...I sure wouldn't continue to stay....

She may not either (which is good if she is offend by it) now that I'm asking her step up and take on more of the responsibilities that she should have been gladly doing all along....

I just needed to talk to someone other than myself about this a minute.....

