Said the “S” word...

So, a few weeks ago, after yet another angry outburst that I’ve said time and time again is not acceptable in our home, I said I thought we should separate.  I don’t want to.  I said it out of desperation.  And because he was yelling at me, provoking me.  Because we’ve had the SAME CONVERSATION 500 times about how his expression of anger has eroded our relationship.  He gets mad.  I say that was not ok.  He gets defensive.  I clam up for days.  Things blow over.  But they really don’t.  Not for me.  This pattern happens over and over and over.  So, after I said the ‘s’ word, he said he would call an ADHD coach and consult his doctor about different meds.  But he hasn’t. And I’m just seething.  Because when I ask him “did you do x?” then he says I’m treating him like an infant.  But, after these conversations, he acts like they never happened!  Other things take priority.  He gets distracted by work, etc.  While I just wait around, silently huffing and puffing inside. So, I don’t know what to do.  If I start a conversation about his behavior, or treatment, or anything related to this issue, he gets defensive.  Even when I use “I” statements.  But, sitting around waiting for him to tell me what’s going on isn’t working either.  He won’t initiate conversations about our marriage.  How do you TALK to people like this?????  I am a communicator. But the person I love most cannot be communicated with!  I can not reconcile this.