a terrible mo(u)rning

This morning was one of the worst in my life. My soon to be ex and I were scheduled to arrive at court for 8:15 am. I left a few minutes late, for no good reason either other than I was sobbing on the couch and could hardy move. On the way there, I discovered that the parking lot I needed was closed. I park in a no-park zone and run to the courthouse.

I go thru the scanning stuff, and discover I brought a lunch-fork into the courthouse by mistake(was in my purse), setting off the metal detector. I was 10 minutes late. I was so embarrassed. In my mind, I'm screaming at myself: You are such a failure, a loser, an ADHD unfocused individual...

At the court meeting, we talked about the division of property, etc. Afterwards, the flood of emotions poured in: how much I don't want this divorce, how much I love my soon to be ex, how attractive he is, how much I messed up, how I don't know where to live after June when he officially owns our condo. I'm really struggling with my decision to re-locate to Philly (Family lives in Philly, I never lived there though. I currently live in a small New England state working 3 different jobs all under $11 an hour). I've only told a couple co-workers about my situation.  My family is really pressuring me to move to Philly, the pressure heightens my stress. Anyone ever go thru a divorce and notice how it drives your family crazy and into emotional states just like it does to you?

I realized today that re-locating during all of this is heightening my stress level by a thousand percent, but I don't know if staying here will help either. I feel like my soon to be ex loved me through and through despite the current divorce, and it is extremely painful to lose that kind of love. I feel like all the blood is draining from my face. Yesterday I almost fainted at work, with the painful emotions rushing through my veins.

I desperately need counseling right now. It's tough to find someone who is willing to meet during evening hours (I work literally all day w/ my 3 jobs). It's frustrating how hard everything is right now, and more so to navigate the mental health system and find someone who can get started with me immediately and be willing to meet in the evening hours...