Recently, I asked my husband if it appears to him that I move like lightning. Meaning, is he ever in awe of how fast I take care of things, how fast I can clean a bathroom, how I can go to the grocery store and back in less than an hour with food for the week purchased? (not just a gallon of milk). And he said YES! This is not a hateful slam on was just really nice to see that he sees me. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for him to not be able to do that. I am really working on understanding it from his side.
I know how you feel!
Every once in a while I'll have a sudden, almost blinding insight into how his mind works, how he sees the world and how hard he tries to accomplish what he sets out to do. He is such a sweet, good person after all - it's not like he enjoys having a hard time in school, losing jobs or watching me break down and cry when he's having a defensive/aggressive "episode".
And then the routine sets in again, I have unreasonable expectations of him or have too much time on my hands and start trying to "helpfully" micromanage his life.
But I cling to those moments of clarity, especially when they coincide with him truly seeing me and our relationship, when he tells me all the things he appreciates about me and what I do to help him.