ADHD & Marriage News - December 14, 2017

Quote of the Week
“When you consider who you want to marry, make sure you find someone with whom you can have a lively discussion about what is happening in the world around you every morning for sixty years."
- Bill Moyers
What are Your Links?
Okay, I love this quote! And, no, my husband and I don’t actually do this. In fact, we both eat breakfast together while reading something…just to have a quiet start to our day.
But what Moyers is really saying is ‘find someone who will be interesting to you every day’ and on that front we do very well! In fact, this is one of the places where I view my husband’s ADHD as a clear advantage – he is NEVER boring! Our relationship has interesting twists and turns to it, and if it’s not him coming up with a new idea, it’s me…and he’s almost always ready to embrace it. Why not? For the eternally curious with ADHD, the world can be a place of limitless possibilities!
And, like Moyers, we respect each other’s ideas. Oh yeah, we don’t always agree, and there is at least one topic we have set as off limits because we both fervently believe the exact opposite of the other. It gets ugly! But respect and interest is always there. If we didn’t like to read at breakfast so much we could definitely have a lively conversation at any time.
What about you? And if you’re not able to say this right now, is it simply because you’re too angry to engage? What ARE your links?
No matter where you are in the world.... you can take my Live ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - starts in January. Register here.
For those in marriages impacted by ADHD

You can find great resources for couples impacted by ADHD at, including free:
- Online treatment overview;
- Downloadable chapters of my books;
- A community forum with other couples facing similar issues;
- A large number of blog posts on various topics;
- Referrals.
Is your relationship in trouble? Consider my highly acclaimed couples' course: ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - This 8-session phone seminar has helped many couples thrive in healthier, happier relationships. The next live session begins in January.
Is your relationship in pretty good shape but you'd love to feel closer? Consider my self-study seminar Recovering Intimacy in Your Relationship.
Adult ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationship. can literally change your life! Question? Contact Melissa.
© 2017 Melissa Orlov