Best Gift of All - A Better Relationship!

Hello, and happy holiday season to you all!

If you're looking for a meaningful gift, or just trying to improve your ADHD-impacted relationship, I encourage you to consider registering for my live ADHD Effect In-Depth couples seminar that begins on January 11.  I've been honing the seminar for years, and it has helped many couples really improve their lives together.

The seminar helps you by:

  • providing much-needed info about what's ADHD and what isn't
  • demonstrating that you both contribute to your issues - so helping you sort out what each partner could work on
  • giving you a science-based overview of what optimized treatment for adult ADHD looks like
  • teaching you specific communication techniques shown to help couples communicate more clearly
  • helping you better understand the anger you may both feel
  • providing clear strategies for getting out of the chore wars and parent-child dynamics

And, of course, there is more.  Go to my seminar page for more information or the syllabus page for all the details

New Session at No Additional Fee!

For the first time ever, I will be providing a session on what to do about strong emotions in ADHD-impacted relationships.  The session will focus on the strong emotions felt by each partner, and the differing underpinnings of those emotions (including the biology of strong emotions and ADHD).

This is new and important information, and this January seminar series will be the only time I provide it at the current seminar fee of $289.  The seminar's price, to accommodate the presence of that session, will go up for the Spring '23 seminar.  For your calendars, btw, the emotions session will happen on Thursday, January 26.

So - there are many reasons to register today for the live couples seminar that starts January 11.  I hope you'll consider joining me.

With warm wishes for the holiday season,

Melissa Orlov