ADHD & Marriage Weekly Tip - May 25, 2016

Quote of the Week
“What we want to help the children with is, just because you feel sad or happy or depressed doesn’t mean that is who you are. We want them to know, I am really sad right now but I’m not a sad person.”
- Goldie Hawn
Who You Are vs. How You Feel
I was struck by how relevant this quote is for partners with ADHD. A diagnosis can provide the ‘aha’ moment but it also provides a label. They get access to a whole new world of tools they can use to manage their ADHD symptoms, yet too often fall prey to believing that how they feel then – perhaps incapable or ‘less than’ – means that they really are…and always will be…those labels.
Yet that is far from the truth. Research suggests that 70-80% of adults can find a treatment that will help them significantly manage their symptoms – allowing them to thrive and showcase whomever they really are…creative or spontaneous or funny or smart or insightful or empathetic or…
They are not “ADHD people.” They are only people who may have been hindered in the past by an overlay of undiagnosed symptoms.
Introducing! Mindfulness Made Easy - a 4 week intro to mindfulness developed specifically for couples impacted by ADHD. The first session begins June 7th. Learn more here.
For those in marriages impacted by ADHD

You can find great resources for couples impacted by ADHD at, including: a free online treatment overview; free downloadable chapters of my books; a community forum with other couples facing similar issues; a large number of blog posts on various topics; referrals; and my very popular couples course:
ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - Next live session starts October, 2016 - this eight-session phone seminar has helped many couples turn around their relationship.
Adult ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationship. can literally change your life!
© 2016 Melissa Orlov