Non-ADHD Support Group Registration Opening Soon!

Hello!  If you're interested in registering for a non-ADHD partner support group, registration will open for Fall groups on August 17.

You can find out more about the moderators, group times and details at the Non-ADHD Partner Support Group page.

If you're struggling in your relationship with your ADHD partner, these support groups can provide room to share, discuss and even just breathe a bit with others who understand your issues.  They are led by talented, ADHD-savvy professionals eager to help you share and grow.

I'm happy to answer questions, if you have them, at this contact form.

With best wishes,

Melissa Orlov

P.S.  These groups fill up quickly, so why not take a look at group times and dates now, and don't forget to mark your calendar for August 17 to register.