Hi - I know that there are some of you in the current seminar who are interested in doing the next round of non-ADHD partner support groups as an extension of your work in the seminar. I'm sending you this note to let you know that registration opens WEDNESDAY MORNING for the groups starting in early March.
The groups are a great way for non-ADHD partners to start to navigate some of the quandaries they face as they seek to repair and improve their side of their relationship. There are four leaders this time around, and groups tend to fill very quickly - particularly those groups led by me. So if you are interested, please go to this non-ADHD partner support group page to learn more, and then register early in the day on Feb 8 to help you get the group you want.
Best wishes to you all,
P.S. There will also be an ADHD group coaching led by Cam Gott this spring. He has not yet set the dates.