Recently, something has hit me. My boyfriend doesn't understand what its like have depression and what everyday is like for me. He has made some inappropriate comments about my depression, which is what led me to believe he doesn't understand. I do have ADHD and anxiety as well, but he never has made inappropriate comments regarding those issues. Therefore, I'm not as concerned about getting him to understand what its like to live with ADHD and anxiety everyday. So, now my question is this. Does anybody know of any good resources that explains "life from a depressed point of view", so to speak? Blogs,forums, websites, articles you name it. Thanks and it will be greatly appreciated!
Your boyfriend...
He is probably a little overwhelmed (adhd, anxiety, depression)...A normal man, wanting a honest normal relationship. I suggest you try with your issues, prayer, doctor's medication, therapy what ever it takes to help yourself...Do not speak about these things, it makes it worse. Just because something is a reality in my life that may not be something I would desire...I just deal with it...The more I talk about poor me, and wallow in it, the more no one wants to be around me. Life it self can be depressing enough...I suggest you focus on the all your blessings, and the Goodness of God's Love for you...Try to put yourself in his shoes, and keep your time together positive...