Family Issues and Helping Children

Please see the ADHD information section as well for general resources about ADHD. - coaches dedicated to helping parents learn how to be most effective with difficult or complex kids.  Also, see Melissa's article, Marriage & ADD:  9 Tips to Co-Parent Effectively

Parenting ADHD Now! is the best parenting book I've come across, bar none...and this one is for parents of kids with ADHD.

What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew by Dr. Sharon Saline - published in 2019, this is a terrific book for parents of 6-18 year olds who want to better understand how their children think and what challenges they face.

Information about what medications are recommended for kids starting on meds, and the potential for very negative side effects.

Six Strategies for Creating Strong Families with ADHD, part 1 and part 2

American Academy of Pediatrics Interventions Guide:  This chart provides a basic overview of those psychosocial interventions the AAP feels work based upon the scientific evidence available, from most helpful to least helpful.  Go to this link.

The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness, by Dr. Edward Hallowell. This quick read helps parents set priorities that will help their children find long-lasting joy.  A real gem! Go to for more information.

Raising Kids Who Can: Become Responsible, Self-Reliant, Resilient, Contributing Adults and How to Use Family Meetings to Make it Happen, by Betty Lou Bettner, Ph.D. and Amy Lew, Ph.D.  Though you may despair at the thought of organizing family meetings, this book reinforces the importance of creating ways for all children to contribute as part of building self-esteem.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Updates - Important updated developments which bear on issues regarding the education of students who have ADHD. 

Staying on Top:  Final Exam Study Tips for ADHD Students, by the Edge Foundation at this link.

Special Needs Resource: Great resources regarding disability rights, laws, products and services. Go to

A.D.D. Resources: Many helpful articles on ADHD for the family, including advice on parenting. Go to

Pregnancy and impacts on possible development of ADHD - one study suggests that higher levels of pre-natal flouride may increase ADHD type symptoms.

What helps kids continue to take their medication short and long-term?  Overview of a research study on the topic.

Rebecca Shafir, M.A., CCC, West Newbury, MA and by phone or Skype. Specializes in ADHD, entrepreneurs, academic underperfomance, head injury, dementia, anxiety and depression. Author of The Zen of Listening: Mindful Communication in the Age of Distraction. Works at the Hallowell Sudbury Center. EARS program for students who are underperforming academically, overwhelmed with school work. Contact:, (978) 255-1817, 

Arizona Schwartz Group: Child, Adolescent, Adult Psychiatric Assessments, Psychopharmacology,  Medication Management, Counseling. Go to this link.      480-899-4077

InventiveLabs offers young adults who think and learn differently - most of them with ADHD - an entrepreneurial environment to identify and explore their passion and turn their interests into a business venture. Dr. Hallowell is on the Advisory Board.

Dr. Kari Miller - Executive Function skill training and academic coaching.

​ - Free expert online advice on most learning differences.

How to improve self-regulation for kids with autism and ADHD overview from Pepperdine University.