The Distrust Doom Loop

ADHD & Marriage News - June 30, 2022

Quote of the Week

“If you distrust the people around you because you think they have bad values or are out to hurt you, then you are going to be slow to reach out to solve common problems. Your problems will have a tendency to get worse, which seems to justify and then magnify your distrust. You have entered a distrust doom loop.”

- David Brooks

The Distrust Doom Loop

Bad things, reinforced, get worse.  Good things, reinforced, get better.  Pretty straightforward as a concept, and yet when it comes to our relationships, we regularly forget it.


Take responsibility for your part, and respectfully reach out to your partner to solve common problems.  Don’t hide.  Don’t berate.  Don’t control.


And make sure to work on your own issues that contribute to distrust, too.  That probably includes optimizing ADHD management as well as moving away from parent/child dynamics.

Are you in a distrust doom loop?


Registration Opens TOMORROW July 1st for the Live ADHD Effects Couples Seminar starting September 14th.  Repair your marriage & learn to thrive now! My 8-session seminar has helped many couples thrive in healthier, happier relationships.

For those in marriages impacted by ADHD

Adult ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationship. Find great resources for couples impacted by ADHD including free: Online treatment overview; Downloadable chapters of my books; A community forum with other couples facing similar issues; A large number of blog posts on various topics; Referrals. can literally change your life! 


Is your relationship in trouble? Consider my highly acclaimed couples' course: ADHD Effect In-Depth Couples' Seminar - The next live session STARTS SEPTEMBER 14, 2022.

Support Tele-groups - Be part of a community exploring similar issues, successes and struggles and find new, effective ways to be your best self in your relationship: Non ADHD Partner Support Tele-group and ADHD New Habit Coaching Group.

How to Optimize Treatment for Adult ADHD - go to the home page for a free download about the best ways to manage ADHD.

Question? Contact Melissa.

- Please follow us for tips and resources.

© 2022 Melissa Orlov