You asked to be notified of future seminars…and because of that I’m offering you a special discount for three upcoming events. Thanks for your interest!
Sept. 24 – LONDON - One day, in-person workshop about ADHD and anger with Melissa Orlov. Personalized assistance with one of the most difficult aspects of your relationship. More information is here.
October 10 – My next 8-week couples seminar, given by conference call. This relationship-changing seminar provides critical information, skills and tools for struggling couples in an easy-to-access format. No travel costs or weekends away from home. Info is here.
October 20/21 – SILVER SPRING, MD (DC area) - One day, in-person workshop about ADHD and anger with Melissa Orlov. Personalized assistance with one of the most difficult aspects of your relationship…this time in the U.S! There is a public lecture the evening before we urge you to attend. Info is here.
DISCOUNTS! Because you joined my new, special seminar list, I’m offering you $39 off the upcoming phone seminar and $55 off either of the workshops. Use these codes:
Phone seminar – LIST17 (Register here!) for $39 off
Workshops – WORK17 (Register here for London and here for DC/Silver Spring) for $55 off
If you have any questions, please contact me! I am happy to answer them.
Best wishes,
Melissa Orlov