ADHD and Marriage Blog

When ADHD is in the marital mix, it can be a real challenge to get household chores done without one or the other feeling exasperated, angry or shamed. Here are my top 10 tips for organizing your home when one (or both!) partner has ADHD:

A woman shares her concerns surrounding her husband's diagnosis and subsequent behavior. Here is some advice.

Welcome to our ADHD and Marriage blog!  Please read this before you post:
Much of what is written on this blog is of a personal nature due to the blog’s topic.  We ask that you follow some basic rules:

In her first blog post, Sari Solden shares some tips on self acceptance.

I came upon this article about making one ADD spouse / one non-ADD spouse marriages work.  The author, Andrea Little (now Andrea Betts) had culled these guidelines together with her marriage support group peers.  I link to it here and hope that you enjoy the group's perspective and collective wisdom.

Follow this link to get to "Odd Couples!" by Andrea Betts.

Introducing Sari Solden, and a quick thought on gender roles

Effectively communicating with your spouse often seems like hard work - pushing the proverbial rock up the hill.  Have you ever stopped to consider the role that your everyday responses play in how smooth - or rocky - that communication is?  
