Do you have trouble paying your bills on time and keeping your finances organized? Lots of people with ADD do, and it can be a real source of conflict in an ADHD marriage (say nothing of hurting your credit rating). This post from our forum on what to do about this is so good that I wanted to make sure everyone saw it. Go to this link to learn tricks for improving your bill paying. And thanks to our reader, "Comissar", for the input!
- MelissaOrlov's blog
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Financial Tips
managing finances
managing finances
My husband and I have found this approach VERY helpful. We added up our large, yearly expenses (property tax, vehicle insurances, house insurance, etc.). We then divided the total by 12 months to determine how much we needed to save each month to cover those expenses. The bank now transfers that amount from our joint account into a second account every month. Since only I can access the second account, my ADD husband is quite happy that he can't see how much money is in the 'bills' account and isn't tempted to spend that money. We always know that, when the large bills need paying, we have the funds to cover them.
great info
did you go to the bank to set this up.It is going to take me almost 6 months to straighten out years of a mess....I have hidden...I am the Add women in the family.I work hard,no bad habits....just overwhelmed and afraid of my husband hating me for destroying our credit rating.I know it and I do it.I dont understand why.I just avoid pain.
We have been married 28 years and many times ready to pack it in over this kind of stuff.He is frustrated with me and I get it.I just wish a angel would come and pick me up and help me.
I am so afraid to be honest with my husband.I put off to avoid pain.
I thank you for your idea.I love it.I dont know how I will approach this with him.But it is really bad with us...Tax man after us...have tons in equity in home ready to lose home no non pymt of mortgage because I pretend nothing will happen or I will deal when it happens,
I dont want to give up.My doctor is getting frustrated too.
Feeling Helpless
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Taking over finances
Taking over finances